Justification. What the Bible Teaches, RA Torrey

Celebrate our Justification in standing before our great God and King as we read this week’s chapter in Torrey’s What the Bible Teaches. Lex summaries well this lengthy chapter of the Christian’s legal standing in Christ thanks to the substitution of Jesus’ death for ours. Now, in a narrow sense, it is as just if I’d never sinned, at least as far as God sees me from the perspective of a sinner. God now calls me son and has forgiven me and has cast all my sins away, past, present, and future. Far, far away, as far as the east is from the west! (Psalm 103:12)

We today are justified the same way they were in the Old Testament, justified by faith, by the shedding of blood. Only they needed to keep repeating the shedding of blood which covered their sins each year which looked forward to the fulfillment of the Messiah who would once for all shed His blood for all mankind, and be raised for our justification, and would send the Spirit to replace our heart of stone (Eze. 36:26) with the result that “the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit” (Rom. 8:4) That is indeed Good News!

Read Lex’s post here.

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